Children are invited to our Christmas Disco in the Burnsfield Hall on Wednesday 14th December with DJ Alex B.

Tickets are £2 per child, payable on the door or through ParentMail, and include free squash. Sweets will be available to purchase at 50p per bag.

  • KS1 and reception children to attend 3.15pm - 4.15pm. Children will be taken directly from class at the end of the day. Please ensure that they have a change of clothes with them, and that consent has been provided. Collection will be from the King Edward Hall. 
  • KS2 children to attend 4.30pm - 5.30pm. Please drop children off at Burnsfield hall and collect them from the King Edward Hall. 

A form has been emailed to parents to confirm their child's attendance prior to the event, please complete this as soon as possible. 

After school club will be held in the DT room on this day.

Please note that only the main gates will be open.