Each year, children undertake a variety of national tests.  Here are the results for 2023-24:


Year 6

Age Related  Expectations

Greater Depth

Average Scaled Score

Reading 56% 12% 100
Writing (Teacher Assessed) 64%   0%  
Maths 68% 15% 102
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPS) 41% 14% 98.6
Combined English and Maths 49%   0%  


Progress score in reading, writing and maths

We are not able to calculate KS1-KS2 progress scores for academic years 2023/24 and 2024/25. This is because there is no KS1 baseline available to calculate primary progress measures for these years due to Covid-19 disruption. We are also unable to show results broken down by prior attainment.

Attainment measures show how pupils have performed in tests and assessments but do not take pupils’ starting points into account.

Year 1

Phonics    73%

For more information, please visit the Government's data dashboards. Specific results for Kingsfield can be found here.



Ofsted stands for the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. They inspect services providing education and skills for learners of all ages. Their role is to make sure that organisations providing education, training and care services in England do so to a high standard for children and students.  

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