Miss. Gemma Angier is our designated SENDCo. Should you have any concerns that you would like to raise, please contact her via office@kingsfield.cambs.sch.uk.

Our Ethos
We want our school to be an inclusive community.  This can be seen within our ethos, our policies and our curriculum design.  Therefore, access arrangements and inclusion extend beyond the classroom.  
Our Site

We have one main school building which is single storey. However, depending on the location of entry, the ground level changes. If you come to the front entrance, the site is completely accessible. The back of the site is significantly lower and so the entrance by our wraparound care building / Children's Centre offers a ramp for ease of access. If you have any concerns over the site which have not been addressed in our plan (please see below), do let us know by contacting the school office.
Our Plan

We are constantly striving to improve our school grounds and buildings so that are easily accessible. As such, we have a plan that looks at what we intend to do over the forthcoming years to improve the site further.  

Accessibility Plan 2021-24

SEND Information Report

The SEND Information Report is a document that is updated yearly to reflect the type of provision offered by our school. 

Link to SEND Information Report.

Parent Partnership

The Parent Partnership Service providing Cambridgeshire's SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) offers impartial and confidential information, advice and support to parents and carers who have a child or young person with Special Educational Needs and / or a Disability (SEN/D), or have concerns that their child has special educational needs. They have lots of information on their website including videos on what they can support with.

Local Offer

We are committed to equality and inclusion. Our SENDCo, Miss. Angier, works with families to ensure that their children have appropriate access to the school curriculum and community.  As part of a wider 'Local Offer', families are also supported by the Local Authority and the NHS.
Active Learning Trust Offer

Helpful Documents

We know how worrying it is if you suspect your child has an additional need. In order to support you further, please find a range of useful documents and website links listed below:

Policies and Procedures
SEND Policy
Equality Policy
Accessibility Plan
Please note that some of these documents will be updated during the academic year.

Presentations to staff by our LA Specialist Teacher 
Sensory processing differences 
Social communication difficulties 
Working memory difficulties 
Attention and listening difficulties