During the visit, the children will have the opportunity to investigate Anglo-Saxon life through exploration of original objects and by using archaeological clues to find out about the first English people at West Stow. They will explore experimental reconstructions of buildings, handle replica objects, study artefacts from the site in the Anglo-Saxon Museum and will take part in group discussions about the Anglo-Saxons led by staff. The visit will support the work that the children do throughout the Spring Term based on the Anglo-Saxons.
The children will need to be at school at 8.35am as we will be leaving Furrowfields car park at 9.30am, please ensure your child arrives at school on time. Would you please collect your child from Furrowfields carpark at 3.30pm.
Your child will require a packed lunch in a carrier bag clearly marked with their name that can be thrown away, a drink in a plastic container (no fizzy drinks or glass bottles) and a warm, waterproof coat. School uniform and comfortable shoes please.
Payment details have been sent to parents via ParentMail.