On Tuesday, we went to the Ramsey Rural Museum for our school trip. We got in groups and we went there on a coach. We did lots of fun activities and we learnt a lot about life in the past. There were lots of old farm machinery for us to look at. We saw 3 tractors, ploughs, seed drills and wagons.

Our lunches were delicious and yummy.

On our trails we saw a chemist and a cobbler. The cobbler showed us how he made shoes out of leather and we held some tiny shoes for a baby and heavy boots for a worker. The chemist showed us how to make medicine. We learnt that in the past green bottles had poison in them. In the old school room, we sat at old fashioned school desks which lifted up. These were funny.

Before we went on the trip, we learnt a few different Nursery Rhymes at school. As we explored the museum we spotted the different rhymes and sang the songs. Our favourites were ‘Sing a Song of Sixpence’ and ‘Cobbler Cobbler’.

We went into a house from the early 20th Century. We noticed that it did not have a toilet indoors or a television. We found the toilet later on the outside!! In the garden, the adults read us a story about Peter Rabbit. We found some strawberries, potatoes, beetroot, lettuce and sweetcorn growing in the garden. We even spotted Peter Rabbits blue jacket and shoes hanging up like a scarecrow!

At the end of the day, we used an old one penny coin to buy an ice lolly in the shop. These cooled us down at the end of a long day.

We would like to say a huge thank you to all the volunteers at the museum and all the parents, grandparents and staff for making the day so brilliant and fun.

Written by all the children in Reception