In very exciting news, we are pleased to announce that the school has elected a new School Council. Children were invited to apply to become a member of the School Council and wrote their own manifesto. Children in each class then took part in a secret ballot where they decided who they felt would best represent their class on the Council. We can share with you that the children who were successfully elected were:


Class RK: Nathania

     Class 4D: Joshua

Class RD: Excel

     Class 4J: Harry

Class 1L: Evelyn

     Class 5R: Vilte

Class 2D: Holly 

     Class 5W: Leah

Class 3P: Daniella

     Class 6R: Charlie

Class 3S: Taylor

     Class 6C: Summer


Next week, the Council will be deciding on a list of extra-curricular clubs that they would like to available in school.